Research on the senses
Centre for Sensory Studies, Montreal (Canada)
The Centre for Sensory Studies is an interdisciplinary collaboration platform for research in the social life and history of the senses, perceptual practice, multisensory aesthetics, and the development of sensory technologies.
Blog of the English philosopher Mark Paterson, a leading specialist in the field of haptics (i.e. touch). Sound Studies Lab, Copenhagen (Denmark)
The lab invites scholars and artists to do research on the sonic sensory aspects of individual lives and in heterogenuous societies, cultures and historical eras. The lab operates in mobile, experiential and field-based research environments. blindness and other dis/abilities
Blind Spot
Blog of Hannah Thompson, a Reader in French at Royal Holloway (University of London), who is particularly interested in blindness and how the sighted and partially sighted and the blind and partially blind relate to each other. intérieures
Cinéphile, lectrice, curieuse de nature et de culture en général, Sabine Gadrat-Cellou s'intéresse depuis très longtemps aux personnages aveugles et déficients visuels dans les films et les romans. Knighton
Ryan Knighton is a Canadian writer and journalist who frequently publishes stories on his own blindness. His writings are marked by a sharp sense of humour and irony. and literature
David Stevens
David Stevens is a Dutch art photographer. The most beautiful pictures in the Biography section of this website are the products of David's way of looking. - European Network for Avant-Garde and Modernism Studies
The European Network for Avant-Garde and Modernism Studies (EAM) devotes itself to the study of the avant-garde and modernism in Europe within a global setting, throughout the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.